14270 km
Highest Point
40 km
Trail Length

One of the Most Dramatic Crossover Treks in the Himalayas

At 14,000 feet Hampta Pass in Himachal Pradesh falls under those rare, dramatic pass crossings in the Himalayas. On one side is the lush green valley of Kullu — with forests, grasslands, and flowers blooming on the side of your trail. On the other is the almost arid, stark landscape of Lahaul, with barren mountains and almost no vegetation.

Standing on the top of the pass, what’s ahead and behind are two different worlds. It changes in a matter of minutes.

Simply put, the Hampta Pass is Himachal’s Valley of Flowers. The landscape is strikingly similar to that of Valley of Flowers – a green narrow valley protected by snow-covered mountains – but there’s a bonus here.

When you get onto the other side of the Hampta Pass, you’ll be in awe looking at the stark contrast from what you just left behind. The landscape that stretches in front of you is Spiti Valley, known for its barren stretches, rugged terrain and forget-me-not blue skies.

What makes the dramatic changes heightened, even more, is how thrilling the climb to Hampta Pass is. For trekkers, crossing the Hampta Pass (even without the scenery changes) is a great story of adventure. They will love the nervous excitement of climbing to the pass over many ledges, almost appearing to get to the pass, but never really sure until you get there

On this trek, you move from one side to the other over 6 days, covering 25 km.

Quick Itinerary


Arrive at Manali. Drive to Jobra Roadhead, and Trek to Jobra

Drive Distance: 61 km | Drive Duration: 2 hours | Pick up point for GREEN VALLEY HIMALAYAS trekkers: Hotel Keylinga Inn, Prini, Manali

Get to Keylinga Inn, Prini, by 10.30 AM. Start for Jobra immediately after lunch (2 hours drive). The cab fare is Rs 2,500 per vehicle. This is not included in the trek fee. It is to be shared by trekkers and paid directly to the driver. Trek to Jobra campsite (30-minute trek).


Trek from Jobra to Jwara

Trek Distance: 4.50 km | Trek Duration: 4 hours | Altitude Gain: 9,379 ft to 11,194 ft

Easy-moderate. Easy walk to Chika for about an hour followed by 2 hours of ascent through a boulder section. Descent for 1-1.15 hours easing off into a level walk.


Trek from Jwara to Balu Ka Ghera

Trek Distance: 5 km | Trek Duration: 4 hours | Altitude Gain: 11,194 ft to 12,411 ft

Moderate. Short meadow walk followed by boulder section for a couple of hours, leading to a trail on loose rocks all the way. Very gradual incline through the day.


Trek from Balu ka Ghera to Shea Goru via Hampta Pass

Trek Distance: 5 km | Trek Duration: 9 hours | Altitude Gain and Loss: 12,411 ft to 12,864 ft via 14,065 ft

Moderate. An hour of gradual ascent after which the trail becomes steep uphill till the pass, interspersed with short descents 2 hours of steep descent from the pass, easing off into a flat walk.


Trek from Shea Goru to Chhatru

Trek Distance: 6 km | Trek Duration: 4.5 hours | Altitude Loss: 12,864 ft to 10,898 ft

Moderate. 2-2.5 hours of walking on moraine and loose rocks on gentle inclines, followed by a descent to Chhatru across a couple of glacial flows. Visit Chandratal and return to Chhatru camp.


Drive from Chhatru to Manali

Drive Distance: 61 kms | Drive Duration: 2 hours

4-5 hours drive. You are expected to reach Manali around noon. The cost of transport from Chattru to Manali will be Rs 9,000 per vehicle, including your visit to Chandratal lake the previous day.



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May 15, 2022

best trek with GVH and this is one and only caring and helpful team of himalayan trekking